Table of Contents
Beulah Baptist Institutional Church is a Spirit-led, Bible-teaching and servant-practicing church in the tradition of the best African American Baptist churches. Our membership totals 376 on the rolls; however, the active participation is about 245 members. Beulah is located in the gentrifying neighborhood of North Hyde Park in West Tampa. The church is located in a rapidly growing and developing city filled with ever expanding commercial projects in our neighborhood.
Beulah Baptist Institutional Church was founded in 1865, by a visionary group of newly freed slaves who shared a dream: to build a church that preached the gospel and reflected the spirit of religious freedom. The vision was rooted in their desires to faithfully serve God and their community. They also envisioned a place where people would have the freedom of worship and dignity as newly freed individuals. Beulah is the the oldest African American church in the city of Tampa. It was established before Tampa was officially organized as a city. For more than 154 years, Beulah Baptist Institutional Church has built a reputation as a place where members are encouraged to grow spiritually, to pray continually, to study God’s Word and to love unconditionally. The church has flourished under the leadership of Spirit-filled pastors, strong leadership, faithful congregations and high-quality staff. Our doors are open to all who wish to follow Jesus on a journey of faith. Beulah Baptist Institutional Church is a healthy church in the midst of transitions, seeking new God-led leadership. We have transitioned from an aging congregation to one needing to develop younger members and families; from a neighborhood with a predominately African-American majority to one that has become majority white and younger. The church is seeking a strong preacher and a vigorous leader who, as Senior Pastor, will work with the congregation to build on the church’s historical Servant and Leadership tradition. That tradition is embodied in the church’s long and storied walk with God, its’ dedication to Christian education and its commitment to taking care of people in need. The following pages provide a profile of our church’s history, facilities, budget, staff, programs and the city that it calls home. In addition, you will get insight into our members thoughts about our church, as well as the view of others.
These pages will also point out the challenges and opportunities awaiting our new Pastor, only the sixth in our 154 year history. We are people on a journey of faith. With prayers that we will find God’s will for our future, we are looking for the right man or woman to become our Senior Pastor and experience that exciting journey as a part of our spirited, challenging, sometimes contentious but always dedicated community of faith.
Having been led, as we believe, by the Spirit of God to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour; and on the profession of our faith, having been baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, we do now in the presence of God, angels and this assembly, most solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant with one another, as one body in Christ.
We engage, therefore, by the aid of the Holy Spirit, to walk together in Christian love; to strive for the advancement of this church in knowledge and holiness; to give it a place in our affections, prayers and services above every organization of human origin; to sustain its worship, ordinances, discipline and doctrine; to contribute cheerfully and regularly, as God has prospered us, towards its expenses, for the support of a faithful and evangelical ministry among us, the relief of the poor and the spread of the Gospel throughout the world. In case of difference of opinion in the church, we will strive to avoid a contentious spirit, and if we cannot unanimously agree, we will cheerfully recognize the right of the majority to govern.
We also engage to maintain family and secret devotion; to study diligently the word of God; to religiously educate our children; to seek the salvation of our kindred and acquaintance; to walk circumspectly in the world; to be kind and just to those in our employ, and faithful in the service we promise others; endeavoring in the purity of heart and good will towards all men to exemplify and commend our holy faith.
We further engage to watch over, to pray for, to exhort and stir up each other unto every good word and work; to guard each other’s reputation, not needlessly exposing the infirmities of others; to participate in each other’s joys, and with tender sympathy bear one another’s burdens and sorrows; to cultivate Christian courtesy; to be slow to give or take offense, but always ready for reconciliation, being mindful of the rules of the Saviour in the eighteenth chapter of Matthew, to secure it without delay; and through life, amid evil report, and good report, to seek to live to the glory of God, who hath called us out of darkness into his marvelous light.
When we remove from this place, we engage as soon as possible to unite with some other church where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God’s word.
The mission of Beulah Baptist Institutional Church is to save the lost by sharing the Love Of Jesus. The four-fold goal of our church is to make disciples and win souls for the Kingdom; grow our membership through the knowledge of the word of God; invest in the growth and development of our youth and to be a blessing for our community. Our efforts are guided by the foundational scriptures and instructions given by Jesus to the Disciples in Matthew 28:18-20.
It is vitally important that a church has as much information about its membership as possible in order to develop successful programming for them. Knowin who our membership is, what they do, their spiritual desires and aspirations and the problems they face is vital in our programming for ministry and outreach.
BBIC Active Membership Break Down Professionally #
DATE # Educators
10/15/2012 717 Lawyers
12/15/2013 647 Doctors
12/30/2014 550 Health & Human Services Professionals
06/30/2015 470 Government & Public Administration
02/10/2016 463 Information Technology
12/30/2016 455 Finance & Business
02/10/2017 448 Self Employed & Business Owners
06/01/2017 392 Student
10/01/2018 342
03/01/2019 364
03/15/2019 344
BBIC Church Demographics
Members age:#
0-6 1
7-10 14
11-15 29
16-18 20
19-25 36
26-35 28
36-45 36
46-55 56
56-70 114
71-and up 59
As the Pastoral Search Committee began the process of identifying prospective candidates for our Senior Pastor position, engaging the membership was paramount to our efforts. It was very important that we communicated to the congregation their stake in the future and vision of the church. We recognized that having accurate and objective information from our entire church family would give us a solid baseline and increase our ability to plan, strategize and lead this effort for which God has called us. We eliminated anecdotal and hear-say information to give members the opportunity to speak to us through their responses to a series of specific, targeted questions. This survey was designed for us to listen to and hear them on top-line issues. Their comprehensive, anonymous feedback and desires for the future direction of the church and its leadership was considered as we outlined the process.
We have come together through prayer and Spiritual directions, with no individual agendas, to identify the person whom God has identified to serve our congregation.The information that we have gathered has shed light on the kind of leader the church feels that we need. It has guided us throughout our Pastoral search process and provided useful information about the congregation’s needs, their demographics, and what they want in their next leader.
We are mindful that survey results need to be interpreted and not taken at face value. We know that they can only tell so much and should be used as a means to inform and guide the search process rather than used as hard and fast tools for disqualifying candidates. With our use of this information we endeavored to communicate to the congregation that they have a stake in the future and vision of the church.
The information that follows represents the church's responses to the survey:
I am: 24 Male 62 Female Total Respondents = 86
2. My age is: 3 12-19 5 20-39 16 40-59 62 60+
3. My opinion is that the minimum acceptable educational level of our Pastor should be
38 College graduate from an accredited school
47 Advanced degree from an accredited seminar
4. Years of prior pastoral experience that I prefer:
6 Under 5 Years 55 5-10 Years
19 11-20 Years 3 20+ Years as a pastor
5. Preferred age range for our pastor:
30 No age Preference 2 20-29 Years 5 30-39 Years
28 40-49 Years 6 50-59 Years 1 60+ Years
6. The search committee should consider a candidate who is:
33 Male 1 Female 52 No Gender preference
7. Our new pastor's ministry priorities should be (Select Five):
70 A gifted teacher, enables our learning and understanding of deep spiritual truths
76 An effective communicator of well prepared, life applicable sermons
33 A person who emphasizes evangelism and the importance of witnessing
39 An administrator of the clergy staff and all spiritual activities of the church
18 Active in association and denominational activities/programs
21 A community volunteer in activities/programs
77 A person with leadership vision, inclusive of a well-developed vision for the future of the church
47 skilled counselor, available to assist persons with personal and spiritual problems
15 One who incorporates praise songs and/or drama into the worship experience
26 A nurturing leader who continues personal growth and also enables the growth of others
19 One who understands and communicates well with youth, preschoolers and children
14 One who understands and communicates well with senior adults
22 One who understands and communicates well with young and single adults
17 One who values and emphasizes the importance of strong families
34 One who cares for the needs of both his family and his church family
• Pastor willing to engage his spiritual gifts & encourage the same in others, which leads to an outpouring of life & oneness in the body
• Pastor accepting and supportive of women in ministry
One who seeks the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ for guidance, following the Word of God; loving, caring, open-minded
Know the Word and doesn’t just preach with cliches
One who us a motivational teacher, determined to lead some to Christ and strengthen the relationship of others with Christ
I think Rev. Rogiers would be an excellent candidate
• One who believes in the five-fold ministry as stated in Ephesians 4-11 & all of the spiritual gifts in the Bible, prophecy, tongues, etc
• One who accepts help when needed & treats all members with concern & caring
• Dynamic, personable, honest, spiritual, financial planning, communicates with everyone
• All loving, all caring, great listener
• One who practices what he preaches
• Be a pastor who is fair to everyone; all equally important
• A leader who is involved in community issues
Someone who knows its members and visit the sick, not a selected few; someone who is not money driven for self
A pastor who is not a respecter of persons or status; but, one who values & treats all members the same
Missed opportunity, Rev. Taylor; should bring him back
• Pastor should be married
• Choice of five not enough
Godly person, value & love people
A group of Negroes, recently given their freedom from slavery, withdrew from the First Baptist Church of Tampa to organize a church that was given the name of Beulah Baptist Church. Land for a sanctuary was donated to the group lead by Mrs. Fortune-Ransome. The first pastor called to serve was Reverend Elder Hadley.
Reverend Hadley terminated his pastorate of the congregation and was replaced by Reverend Anderson who added several new members to the growing congregation.
Reverend Sinclair came to serve as pastor of Beulah for the next five years. The church was remodeled under his
Reverend N.A. Johnson was called to serve as pastor of this growing congregation. His leadership covered a three year span during which time the church’s membership continued to grow.
Under the pastorate of Reverend L.G. Carro, the original frame structure of the church was moved from its old street location to Harrison Street.
Reverend H. Holman was called and accepted the pastorate of the church. The church membership grew rapidly and extensively, necessitating a renovation of the building to accommodate the large number of worshipers. In the mid part of his pastorate, the church had to undergo a second renovation to serve its growing membership.
It was during this same period that Usher Board #1 was organized. Of great significance to the community, and a tribute to Reverend Holman, was the organization of the People Investment Company under the auspices of the church and the first Negro Investment of the City of Tampa. During the same year, an office building was purchased to house the People’s Investment Company and other business activities.
The membership voted to purchase a new site for the church. Reverend Holman’s pastorate climaxed with the great baptismal service in the Hillsborough River. Reverend J.B. Green became pastor and conducted a 45 day revival.
The church was incorporated as the Beulah Baptist Institutional Church (non-profit).
Elder S.A. Norris became pastor. During his administration, the Floral Club was organized.
Reverend G.D. Griffin became pastor and increased the membership to a total of 425.
The property located at the corner of Tyler and Pierce Streets was purchased at a cost of $90,000 on which an 11 room modern pastorate was built.
The congregation contracted with the Tri-State Construction Company to erect a new sanctuary on the purchased site at a cost of $85,000.
Reverend H.E. Jones became pastor. He organized the White Robe Choir which later became the first Negro church choir to sing on the radio station in Tampa. Some years later, this choir became Choir #2.
Reverend W.M. Davis was called as pastor of the church. His first effort was to spearhead a drive to complete the new sanctuary structure.
The Red Circle and Courtesy Clubs were organized.
The congregation moved into the newly completed edifice after many sacrifices had been made by the members through cash donations.
Dedicatory Services of the new church were held from October 10-30. Participating in the services were representatives of national, state and local governments and ministries and supporters of Beulah from throughout the area.
Usher Board #2 was organized.
The Quarterman’s Glee Club was organized.
Reverend W.M. Davis passed away. Reverend G.T. Martin was called to serve as interim pastor. The Youth Choir was organized.
Reverend A. Leon Lowry became the 13th pastor of the church. The Beulah Baptist Church Federal Credit Union was organized. A group of ladies formed the A. Leon Lowry Club. The congregation purchased the Burn’s Memorial Chapel and four and one half adjoining lots on Delaware and Cypress Streets in West Tampa, site of the new church
The Children’s Choir was organized.
The Mattie Jackson Courtesy Club was organized.
A committee was appointed to conduct a feasibility study to determine whether the old building should be renovated or a new church erected.
Architectural plans and drawings were presented to the congregation for approval.
The congregation launched a sale of bonds to finance construction of a new church on Delaware and Cypress Streets.
Ground breaking ceremonies were held and work was begun on the new church building. The Sanctuary Ladies Auxiliary was organized.
A loan was secured from the First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Tampa in April to complete construction of the new church. On Sunday, December 21, Consecration Services for the new church were held.
The Angelic Choir and Junior Usher Board were organized.
The first “ Beulah Day” was launched as a joint financial effort for the men and women of the church.
A Youth Choir was organized and named the A. Leon Lowry Tabernacle Choir. Beulah became the host church for “ Chapel 8,” a televised religious service of the WFLA Broadcasting Station.
The Cornerstone was laid during a very impressive ceremony conducted by the Grand Assembly of the Lily White Association of which Deacon C. Blythe Andrews was Grand President. The Cornerstone was donated by Deacon Andrews. The sermon for this memorable occasion was delivered by Reverend Benjamin Lowry, father or our pastor, Reverend A. Leon Lowry. Pastor Lowry instituted the first massive Retirement Services honoring all members of the church who retired from their various types of jobs.
The outdoor Cross was erected. The Dedicatory Services were held February 24. The property on the southeast corner of Delaware and Cypress was acquired for parking and recreational activities. The parking area on the south and west sides of the Sanctuary were marked off and surfaced.
Beulah’s 1st Pictorial Directory was published. The congregation voted to acquire adjacent property when it became available. The Youth Department was organized for the purpose of studying current problems. The Church participated in the First Church Family Reunion and Unified Church Songfest which included Beulah, Greater Bethel and Faith Temple Churches.
Property at the southwest corner of Gilchrist and Cypress was purchased for future use. The Building Fund contributions were increased with the intent of retiring the church mortgage within 5 years, and entered into a lease (with option to buy) with the Tony Grandoff Enterprises on our old Beulah site property.
The Youth Matrons Auxiliary was organized.
Re-supplied the Sanctuary with bibles and hymnals. A sizeable number of each were donated by the Wilson family.
The Pastor’s Aid Club, Voluntary Youth Program and first church nursery were established.
The “ Sons of Beulah,” a male church support group was organized. Pastor’s 25th Anniversary was observed.
The Church purchased property at the northeast corner of Lemon and Delaware Streets for future use. The name of the church was installed at the base of the cross. The Youth Department published the 1st Edition of its newspaper, The Beulah Bugle.
The mortgage on the Sanctuary was retired and a “Mortgage Burning Service” was held on January 23. Reverend Gardner C. Taylor delivered the sermon for this memorable occasion. Business machines were updated via purchases and donations. The mortgage held by Central Life Insurance Company and Community Federal Savings and Loan Association was retired. New public address and security control systems were installed.
The ‘Sons of Beulah’ and The Male Chorus were reorganized. Four time-controlled security lights were installed.
Additional business machines were purchased and a Tape Ministry was established for the sick and shut-in with the help of the Sanctuary Ladies. The Church accepted a monetary gift of $44,625 from our pastor, Rev. A. Leon Lowry to go toward the construction of our educational center.
The members honored Reverend Lowry on his 30th year as pastor of the church with a banquet. The first ‘Birthday Extravaganza’ was celebrated. The first church calendar was made available for each family.
A contract was signed to build an educational center. A new piano and new robes were purchased. The Pastor’s Aid Club honored the Pastor with a birthday dinner. Furniture was purchased for the conference room, narthex and church office and rails were installed at the main entrance of the Sanctuary.
A loan was secured to finance the construction of the educational center from First Florida Bank, N.A. Ground breaking ceremonies were held for the new Educational building.
Construction of the educational building began and a duplex was purchased at the southwest corner of Lemon and Gilchrist. The entire edifice was re-carpeted. The Youth Usher Board was re-organized.
The Church hosted the Florida General Baptist Convention, Inc. Property at the corner of Cypress and North Delaware was purchased. Dedicatory Services and Open House was held for our new education facility which was named “The A. Leon Lowry Sr. Family Services Center.” The Youth Mission was organized and the Young Matrons was renamed the Ladies of Emerald Mission 2. Additional furniture was purchased for the new facility.
The Beulah Baptist Institutional Church Day Care Center was officially opened. Necessary items for the operation of the center, such as furniture, playground equipment, fencing, etc. were purchased.
The Church began a Church Bond Drive. Saturday School was opened. Youth Church was organized. Karate classes were offered. The Brotherhood of Beulah was re-organized.
A ‘ down stage ’ podium was installed with the assistance of the A. Leon Lowry Club. The Church accepted Rev. Lowry’s retirement plans and selected a search committee for a new pastor.
The Church’s Pictorial Directory was updated. The cornerstone for the A. Leon Lowry Family Service Center was laid during a very impressive ceremony which was conducted by the Masons. The sermon was delivered by our Pastor, Reverend A. Leon Lowry.
The Church accepted the search committee’s ‘New Pastor’s report and voted on the same. None of the candidates obtained the recommended percentage to call the new Pastor. Thus, a second vote was necessary and another selection was held at a later date. Reverend W. James Favorite accepted the call to become the 14th Pastor of Beulah Baptist Institutional Church. Property at the southeast corner of Lemon and Delaware Avenue was purchased. The Cora Lee Sutton Scholarship Fund was established and pledged financial support.
Reverend W. James Favorite began the ‘Vision Toward the Year 2000’. The vision adopted the idea of Ministry and encourages all boards to do the work of a ministry. The Board of Christian Education was established. A Before and After Care Program was added. A full scale tithing program was introduced through pastoral teaching and preaching. Membership was increased through Evangelism and a total evangelical program with an emphasis on the family was developed.
An emphasis was placed on Evangelism and building Sunday School. Two revivals were scheduled. The Beautification Committee was established. The Young Men and Women of Excellence program began.
The Youth Adult Choir was established and made their debut. Computer School was founded. A new church directory was published. Beulah’s Brotherhood Ministry regrouped and expanded their activities. The Young Adult Choir was renamed Young Believers. Reverend Favorite ordained four Deacons. The first Church Anniversary banquet held and the first A. Leon Lowry Sr. Day was celebrated.
Beulah’s first female minister, Rev. Delores J. Cain was licensed. The Children’s Choir renamed “The New Generation Choir.” Renovations began in the church and A. Leon Lowry Center. A new organ for the main sanctuary was purchased. A Vision Ministry and The Married Couples Ministry was organized. The 1st Annual Street Festival was held.
Succession Training was established for the purpose of preparing the members for leadership roles in the Church. The first Ordination of Deaconess was held December 10th. The Deacon Board was increased by 3 members. The Singles and the Health Ministries were established. A SAT Training Program was introduced as a result of funding from the Florida Education Fund.
The Church hosted the PNBC Convention in August and coordinated transportation of attendees. The Youth Church for teens was reorganized and experienced tremendous growth within The Children’s Church.
Total Involvement theme was introduced in January.
Fifth Sunday Mortgage Reduction Program introduced to enable early payoff of mortgage on the Education Center. The Pastor initiated the first reunion with First Baptist Church of Tampa since the organization of Beulah Baptist
Institutional Church in 1865.
Unity Sunday was initiated bringing two congregations into one worship hour. The Jamaica Ministry sent a team of twelve to Jamaica to render services to those in need. This effort was supported in part by the Beulah membership.
The parking lot property which had been the site of our old church built in 1931 under Reverend W.M. Davis was sold. The Church received a gift of land from the City of Tampa for the site of our Senior Housing Complex.
Additional land across from the church was purchased to accommodate our continuous need for additional parking. The Evangelism Ministry developed a follow-up segment. An additional contract was awarded by the Children’s Board to continue our Out of School Time (OST) Program.
The mortgage was burned and work began on our Senior Housing project in November. Our Pastor met with the National Black Leadership Commission on AIDS (NBLCA) in New York to begin work on our HIV/AIDS Outreach Ministry. Funding was awarded by the United Way to assist with a year-round after school program.
A new roof was installed on the Sanctuary and a new “state-of-the-art” security system was installed in the Lowry Center. The “Home Today” program for First Time Home Buyers was sponsored by Third Federal Savings and Loan. A new Mid-day Bible Study was instituted.
The VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) Program was reinstituted for the 2009 tax season. The Advisory Board for Ministries was established and a new Leadership Training Program was initiated. The new NBLCA-Tampa Affiliate Program was launched.
An emphasis was placed on identifying each member’s talents through the Spiritual Gifts Inventory.
The Voices of Beulah (Young Adults) Choir was organized.
Live streaming of Sunday Services was offered on YouTube and streaming was made available in the Lowry Center primarily for the benefit of our Culinary Ministry.
The Technology Ministry initiated the capability for online contributions (i.e. tithes, offerings, special events). A Fall Festival Community Outreach event was held featuring health screenings, diet and nutrition education, job fair, games, songs, clothing giveaway and an outdoor song and praise service. The Church celebrated 150 years of ‘Faithful Service to God and Community’ with a Grand Banquet, historical events on display and extensive media coverage.
The 1st Annual Deacon/Deaconess Day of Worship and Fellowship was held. The Church’s pictorial directory was updated. The Young Adult Sunday School Class was reorganized. The Evangelism Ministry was restructured to better meet the needs of the community and to increase participation from membership.
The Church purchased two 2 lots from the City of Tampa. The Mother’s Ministry organized a Teen Initiative.
Our worship services at Beulah Baptist Institutional Church consist of a range of worship activities and opportunities in which one can participate and grow spiritually:
Sunday School 8:45 AM
Sunday Morning Worship 10:00 AM
Bible Study
Tuesday 12:00 PM (Noon)
Wednesday 6:30 PM
There are also opportunities to participate in programs organized by various ministries and church organizations and special worship programs in conjunction with Christian calendar dates:
● Prayer Services
● Vacation Bible School
● Women’s Fellowship
● Men’s Fellowship
● Resurrection Sunday
● Christmas
Beulah, like many churches born out of the circumstances of slavery and an African ancestry, has music as a central part of their worship, celebration, struggles and daily lives.That music normally has the Bible as the basis for its lyrics and story. Music is an integral part of our worship, programming and communal praise.
The music program is led by our Minister of Music, in consultation with our Pastor. All choirs are under the direction of the Minister of music. A wide variety of Christian music and styles is sung while always mindful of the object of the songs as evident by their stated mission.
Mission: to empower the pew for the work of redemption through praise and worship, choral ministry and evangelism in hymns and contemporary gospel songs.
Our music is a dynamic worship ministry of anointed, talented and loving people who serve the Lord through songs in response to His great love towards us. The music creates, through the enabling of the Holy Spirit, an atmosphere in which we rejoice and worship the Lord.
Outreach is and should be an essential and natural part of the totality of ministry at Beulah Baptist Institutional Church. The sad truth, however, is that it has not. There has been a diminution of our efforts over the last few years. As a community, we are drawn to service and to live out our commission, to be the hands and feet of God. Recognizing the importance of both giving and receiving, we endeavor, though not always successfully, to pour back into our community the gifts we have received. Our vision is to provide opportunities for every member to become involved in outreach. Beulah and its members support and/or serve through many programs beyond the church and external agencies.
We are proud, however, of two of our signature efforts that bring us great joy and provides enormous help to the groups we serve:
● Jamaica Medical Mission
In 2004 Beulah Baptist Institutional Church started a medical outreach ministry for the poor and underserved children and families in Jamaica. We started with the idea of helping to facilitate the delivery of free, accessible and quality healthcare services to the poor in correctional institutions and rural and underserved communities. Our initial focus was on the Parish of St. Catherine. The catalyst for this program was a native-born Jamaican couple, Leslie and Elloreece Burrell, who had been engaged in this health outreach with other organizations since 1997. Leslie has since made his transition, but Elloreece continues to lead, direct and expand this mission throughout Jamaica with a volunteer team of doctors, nurses, pharmacists, counselors, ministers, and administrative assistants. Beulah Baptist Institutional Church and Mrs. Burrell’s efforts have been acknowledged and honored at the highest levels of Jamaican Government. She is a caring member of the Jamaican Diaspora and Beulah Baptist Institutional Church who takes seriously her call to be a servant leader.
Since 2004 our mission team has made a major difference in the provision of healthcare relief for this underserved population of Jamaicans, who in most cases get to receive medical treatment only when we make our annual visits to their communities. While there are other missions throughout the country, there are not enough. Observing the existing conditions breaks our hearts. For that reason, our dedicated team continues, through prayer and struggle, to maintain this outreach.
Here is a listing of our efforts in Jamaica since this mission began and some of what we have accomplished:
● Provided medications valued at over $440,000.
● Treated over 4,800 patients and provided home visits for some who could not get to healthcare centers.
● Counseled some 4,500 students at schools and health fairs.
● Delivered over 4,500+ books.
● Visited women’s correctional institutions and provided medical treatment and counseling.
● Established and funded vocational programs in boys’ correctional institutions.
● Provided barber chairs, supplies, tools and equipment for barber training programs.
● Ministered to all and shared with them the important concept of salvation through Jesus Christ.
As you can see, over the years we have done a good job but there still remains plenty to do.
Membership Progressive National Baptist Convention
Pastors on Patrol - an organization of area clergy with an objective to advocate and fight for the under- privileged citizens of Hillsborough County in the areas of education,economics,healthcare, family and spiritual needs.
As we search for a new Senior Pastor, we view this time of transition as an opportunity to look with fresh eyes at the challenges faced by our church with the resolve to work together to address them. The congregation is aging, with more members over 60 than under 40. North Hyde Park, once a stable neighborhood of middle class Blacks on the edge of downtown, is now becoming an affluent in-town neighborhood of young white millennials. That shift prices long time residents out of the neighborhood.
While the church has many worship opportunities, programs and facilities to attract new families and younger members, we are aware of the need to do more on this front; particularly if we are to achieve a healthier and more sustainable demographic mix in our congregation for the future. Programming for young adults, singles and younger couples without children are areas in need of development, as are programs to fully integrate new members into the life of the church, and help them strengthen their commitment.
Beulah Baptist Institutional Church historically was associated with and attended by prominent Black and affluent families, sadly that is no longer the case.We have, over the last several years, lost many of the children of these families who no longer attend our church. Our efforts to understand and work to mitigate this disastrous situation has not been as successful as we would desire. Moreover, our new members tend not to be as affluent as the older generation they are replacing. This change has created challenges for our annual budget campaign as well as any long term fundraising projects. Since Beulah Baptist was founded more than 154 years ago it has been a haven for children, families and the poor. But, the perception in the community is quite different. We need to counter that presumption with all of our communication and tell our story to the community about who we are and how we live as a body of faith.
We are seeking a leader who, from the pulpit and in working with the staff and congregation, can help us re-energize our existing membership and appeal to new members from around the Tampa community. We seek a partner who will help us make the next 154 years of our journey of faith as inspiring and rewarding as the first 154.
The Governance of Beulah Baptist Institutional Church is established by the church’s Constitution And Bylaws. It establishes two mandatory offices, Pastor and Deacons. Further, it also establishes their qualifications, duties and responsibilities. It identifies two elected positions, Clerk and Treasurer with the option for the church to also elect assistants for these positions.
Local Guide · 10 reviews · 16 photos
7 months ago-
We absolutely love this church! We travel about 2 hrs one way as often as we can. (Yes, it is that good!) The message is always so powerful and uplifting. The people/members are the kindness, friendly and so welcoming people you will ever meet. You never feel judged there and everyone is just so full of compassion.
I see people commit their lives to Christ and the church every Sunday I am there! So powerful! Definitely recommend for the whole family! I look forward to bringing all my friends here!
3 months ago-
Very refreshing and convenient to my location. I have enjoyed the people, thank you for making me feel welcome and part of the family.
Former US Senator Bill Nelson…...Congratulations! I am pleased to recognize the Beulah Baptist Institutional Church on their 153rd Anniversary. What an impressive milestone! IT is my great pleasure to commend each of our leaders and members for their dedication, not only to the ministry, but to all of the people they have served and to the lives touched throughout the years.
The US House of Representative Member Kathy Castor…..Established at the end of the Civil War, Beulah became Tampa's first African-American Baptist Church. Over its 153 years, the Church has grown to be a symbol of social justice. Beulah has remained committed to focusing on education, community service and civil rights. This diligent commitment has surely ensured a brighter future for its congregates and the community as a whole.
State Attorney Thirteenth Judicial Circuit Andrew H Warren…..We are proud to call Beulah Baptist a valued stakeholder and friend. This church as initiated and hosted numerous outreach events that emphasize the importance of civil rights, economic empowerment, youth development, and health and wellness. Citizens of this county are benefactors of Beulah Baptist's rich heritage. Spiritual leaders from this congregation boast a number of firsts in Tampa and American history.
Commissioner Sandra Murman, Chairman, Hillsborough County Commission District 1 ...I want to personally commend the church for its service to the Tampa Bay area as a resource for the families in these communities, not only spiritually but in so many other ways. I am specifically taken with your efforts involving our youth and the elimination of HIV/AIDS in our community. These programs are what make Tampa and Hillsborough County so great. Please know that our county appreciates the selfless contributions you, our congregation and your church leaders have imparted to our community, and Tampa Bay.
Former Mayor City of Tampa, Bob Buckhorn ...The churches of our city and their leaders have been a part of our history and heritage, and have built valuable relationships and partnerships with governments and nonprofit organizations to bring spiritual and physical comfort to Tampa neighborhoods. For well over a century and a half, Beulah Baptist Institutional Church and its membership have been dedicated to making a difference. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.
Chairman Tampa City Councilman Frank Reddick …..It also gives me great pleasure to congratulate your parishioners on celebrating 153 years of dedicated service to this community and for all of your encouraging spiritual endeavors. Through your work with general missions, community health events, youth and teen programs and many more, you have made a significant and positive impact in the community you serve. We are truly proud of Beulah Baptist Church and you and its devotion to serve others.
Senator Darryl Rouson…...For decades, your church has offered itself up as a pillar of strength in Christ. Serving as the foundation for those pillars are your faithful members. Dedicated to serving and living the word, your congregants are to be celebrated for the vital role they played in the 153 year legacy of Beulah Baptist Institutional Church. As servant leaders, they have lifted up their community and provided outreach, refuge and counsel for those in need.
Andrew H. Warren State Attorney Thirteen Judicial Circuit……..During Beulah’s 154 years of history, your parishioners have truly exemplified the words found in Zechariah 7:9 that instruct us to “administer true justice, show mercy and love one another”.Beulah’s footprint of love is etched into the fabric of Hillsborough County and the state of Florida.What a wonderful example you continue to set-I am personally grateful you are part of this community I have the honor of serving.
Commissioner Lesley Miller Chairman,Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners….. “Founded after the end of the Civil War in1865, as the first church in Tampa for African-Americans, Beulah Baptist Institutional Church has been actively involved in spiritual enlightenment and discipleship.It has also been dedicated to community service, investing in our community’s youth and promoting academic excellence.Your collective efforts are a positive force in shaping the lives of so many.”
Jane Castor,Mayor City of Tampa…….Beulah Baptist Institutional Church has played a very important role in the social and cultural life of the Tampa Bay area for well over a century and its leaders and members contribute greatly to our city.Your continued efforts and commitment on behalf of our community is appreciated.”
The physical facilities and footprint of the church is located in the North Hyde Park section of West Tampa. This area is experiencing explosive growth and value appreciation and the church, because of its holdings and location, will benefit greatly. See the statement below from the City of Tampa’s Economic Development office and media stories:
West Tampa is the city’s newest Community Redevelopment Area, created in 2015. With its central location in the heart of the city between Downtown and the Westshore business district,West Tampa is poised for major redevelopment activity. As the West River Plan is implemented, public housing and the surrounding area will transition into a vibrant, diverse urban community open to the Hillsborough River.Historic West Tampa’s combination of the old and the new, residential and commercial, and easy access to I-275 make it a prime location for investment.
The following are BBIC properties in the West Tampa area and the map of the CRA approved boundary.
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Slate of Officers: 2020 - 2022
Chairperson: Deaconess Sheila Brooks
Vice Chairperson: Deaconess Betty Guzman
Secretary: Deaconess: Betty Briggs-Johnson
Asst. Secretary: Deaconess Cherrie T. Paul
Treasurer: Deaconess Carolyn Osborn
Parliamentarian: Deaconess Claudia Ross
Chaplin: Deaconess Bettye J. Coleman
Deaconess Doris DuBose
Deaconess Arndreeta Harris
Deaconess Minnie Pearl Hearns
Deaconess Dianna Allen-Quin
Deaconess Patricia McIntosh Ryans
Deaconess Doretha Thompson
Deaconess Joann Watkins
Deaconess Evelyn Wright
Deaconess Janice Wright
Deacon Michael Wright, Chairperson
Deacon Robert Nixon, Vice Chairperson
Deacon Clement Brooks
Deacon Arnold DuBose
Deacon Robert Felder
Deacon Ron Hanna
Deacon William Harris
Deacon Oscar Hearns
Deacon John Mann
Deacon Oscar Osborn
Deacon Sanford Ross
Deacon Jerome D. Ryans
Deacon Carl Thompson
Deacon Michael Watkins
Trustee Andrea Briggs, Chairperson
Trustee Sheila Burke
Trustee Joyce Collins
Trustee Kaydell Douglas
Trustee Lillian Dupree
Trustee Christine Frazer
Trustee Robert Glover
Trustee Dwayne Merriweather
Trustee Ronnie Souter, Sr.
Trustee Cynthia Sumay-Eaton
Trustee Willie Tims Jr.
Administrative Assistant - Carolyn Osborn
Treasurer - Dyrell Reeves
Clerk - Cherrie Paul
Tampa Bay Florida
If you are new to the area, welcome to Tampa Bay! However, there is no city named Tampa Bay. Tampa Bay is a large natural harbor and shallow estuary connected to the Gulf of Mexico on the west central coast of Florida, comprising Hillsborough Bay, McKay Bay, Old Tampa Bay, Middle Tampa Bay, and Lower Tampa Bay. The largest freshwater inflow into the bay is the Hillsborough River, which flows into Hillsborough Bay in downtown Tampa..
The local population refers to Tampa Bay as the body of water that separates the two largest counties, Hillsborough and Pinellas, in the metropolitan area.
Six bridges cross Tampa Bay:
Other than Tampa Bay, the most common names for the area are Tampa-St. Petersburg and Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater. Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater is a metropolitan statistical area (MSA) containing Hillsborough County (Tampa), Pinellas County (St. Petersburg-Clearwater), Pasco County and Hernando County.
The population of the Tampa Bay MSA is estimated at 3,091,399 people as of 2018. Between 2010 and 2015 the population is estimated to have grown 6.9%. For 2014 to 2015 the U.S. Census data estimated an annual growth of 2.0 percent or 54,412 people. The median age is 42.3 years and median household income is $51,115.
Population by County (2019 estimates by World Population Review)
Hillsborough – 1,408,566
Pinellas – 970,637
Pasco – 525,643
Hernando – 186,563
The demographics of Tampa Bay:
White – 63.8%
Hispanic – 18.6%
Black – 11.3%
Speak non-English – 20.2%
U. S. citizens – 93.7%
Median Property value - $175,200
Homeownership rate – 63.5%
The Tampa Bay area has a humid subtropical climate. There are two basic seasons in the Tampa Bay area, a hot and wet season from May through October, and a mild and dry season from November through April.
Nearly two-thirds of the annual precipitation falls in the months of June through September. The area is listed by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) as being in hardiness zone 10, which is about the northern limit of where coconut palms and royal palms can be grown. Highs usually range between 65 and 95 °F (18 and 35 °C) year round. Tampa's official high has never reached 100 °F (38 °C) – the city's all-time record temperature is 99 °F (37 °C). St. Petersburg's all-time record high is exactly 100 °F (38 °C).
According to an article published in the St. Petersburg Times in May 2012, “of the 51 metro areas of at least 1 million residents, Tampa Bay placed 50th in its percentage of worshipers. Only Portland, Ore., stands between us and eternal damnation. Only 34.7 percent of residents identified as regular churchgoers. To put that into perspective, Las Vegas was at 35.7.”
Hillsborough County
Hillsborough County is the largest county in Tampa Bay and the fourth largest in Florida by population. Its estimated population is 1,408,566 with a growth rate of 1.95% in the past year according to the most recent United States Census data. Pinellas County is the sixth largest county by population in Florida.
Even though Hillsborough is the fourth largest county in Florida, it only has three incorporated cities: Tampa, Plant City and Temple Terrace. There are many other named and heavily populated areas such as Brandon, Apollo Beach, Gibsonton, Riverview, Seffner, Thonotosassa, Valrico, et al but none are incorporated as cities.
Demographics of Hillsborough County:
White – 667,277 (47%)
Hispanic – 367,186 (26%)
Black – 224,184 (16%)
Other – 65,334 (4.6%)
Asian – 53,446 (3.8%)
Two or more races – 44,087 (3%)
Native Americans of Alaska Native – 4,080 (.03%)
The median age for Hillsborough County is 36.8 years compared to 42.3 for Tampa Bay. Homeownership is 58% compared to 63% for Tampa Bay and median household income is $53,742 versus $51,115. So, Hillsborough County’s population is a little younger and earns more than other residents in Tampa Bay.
Tampa is the largest city in the Tampa Bay area and the third largest (Jacksonville and Miami) in Florida. According to a new ranking released by, Tampa came in at Number 12 on the “Top 100 Best Places to Live” list. Tampa’s status as one of the most desirable places to live in the U. S. was based, in part, on its affordability and cultural amenities.
Google describes Tampa thusly:
“A major business center, it’s also known for its museums and other cultural offerings. Busch Gardens is an African-themed amusement park with thrill rides and animal-viewing areas. The historic Ybor City neighborhood, developed by Cuban and Spanish cigar-factory workers at the turn of the 20th century, is a dining and nightlife destination.”
Tampa is also an educational hub. There are 20 colleges and universities within 40 miles of the city. Colleges and universities within Tampa include: University of South Florida, University of Tampa and Hillsborough Community College.
The U. S. Census Bureau estimated Tampa’s population at 385,430 as of July 2017. The demographics for the city:
White – 173,444 (45%)
Hispanic – 96,358 (25%)
Black – 92,503 (24%)
Asian – 15,417 (4%)
Two or more races – 11,563 (3%)
Median Household income - $48,245
According to, 40.7% of the population of Tampa consider themselves religious:
Catholic – 11.1%
Baptist – 9.7%
Another Christian faith – 7.4%
Methodist – 3.4%
Pentecostal - 2.4%
Islam – 1.7%
Eastern faith – 1.1%
Presbyterian – 1.0%
Lutheran – 0.9%
Church of Jesus Christ – 0.8%
Jewish – 0.6%
The Community
Beulah Baptist Institutional Church (BBIC) is located at 1006 West Cypress Street 33606 in Tampa. It has been at this location since 1969.
BBIC sits in the shadow of downtown Tampa in the North Hyde Park neighborhood. It is less than two (2) miles west of City Hall.
According to data from UnitedStatesZipCodes.Org, the people living in ZIP code 33606 are primarily white. The number of young adults is extremely large while the number of people in their late 20s to early 40s is also large. There are large numbers of single adults and an extremely small number of families. The percentage of children under 18 living in the 33606 ZIP code is extremely small compared to other areas of the country.
The population breakdown as of March 2019 provided by is as follows:
Total population – 18, 271 (17,746 - 2010 census)
White – 15,333 (84%)
Hispanic – 1,903 (10%)
Black – 1,709 (9%)
Asian – 667 (4%)
Median Age - 31
Average Household Income - $74,855
Average House Value - $452,900
Zip code 33606 is truly a tale of two areas. It includes areas such as Palma Ceia, Davis Islands, Bayshore Gardens and Hyde Park. BBIC is located in the North Hyde Park neighborhood.
The population demographics provided by Zip Data Maps for North Hyde Park:
Total population – 4,265
White – 65%
Black – 28%
Hispanic – 13%
Asian – 2%
Additional information provided by FL HomeTownLocator based on Census Block 120570050.002 as of July 2018 revealed:
Total Population – 800
Owner Occupied Housing – 32 (10%)
Renter Occupied Housing – 257 (80%)
Vacant Housing Units – 34 (10.5%)
Median House Value - $140,909
Average House Value - $173,438
Median Household Income - $20,820
Average Household Income - $29,247
MISSION: Through prayer and guidance of the Holy Spirit, we sought to develop an application process that would allow us to discover the Pastor, called by God, to spiritually lead Beulah Baptist Institutional Church into the future.
Andrea Briggs
Nicole Gadson-Bostick
Jackie Davison
Traquita Hartsfield
Perry Little
Dwayne Merriweather
Keith Palmer
Dyrell Reeves
Patricia McIntosh Ryans
Juel Smith
Willie Tims
Michael Wright