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Community Outreach  


Adopt a School:

As we seek to win the next generation for Christ, we want to empower children in our community through adopting local schools.  Our adopting of local schools will include mentoring, tutoring, reading and providing felt needs such as clothing, food and school supplies to students who are in need.  Most recently we have adopted Just Elementary School.  Lord willing, it is our plan to adopt more schools in the future.


BBIC Stylez:


Collection Drives:

Taking the words of Christ to heart in Matthew 25:40-45, we as a church body will intentionally and strategically engage in collecting various items in an effort to be a blessing to our community.  Whether its various toiletries, food, water or clothes, we will always seek to minister to those who are in need. 


God Cares:


Prayer Walks:

Believing in the power of prayer and believing we are to pray for the welfare of our city (Jeremiah 29:7), we as a church body intentionally take part in prayer walks to pray for our community.  During our time of prayer walking we pray for the residents, merchants, and those who serve our community.  

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